“Ok, so London Fashion Week has now been and gone, but lets face it, if like us your bona fide addiction to retail therapy simply cannot stomach waiting for NYC, Paris and Milan to showcase the next collections, you’ll be glad to hear that internationally renowned designer Nataliya Dolenko is offering a sneak preview of her latest collection, by way of a private fashion show at members club No5 Cavendish.”
Entering the fashion world when she was 15, she had been successfully working as a model in Kiev (where she was born) and Moscow for seven years, participating in numerous fashion shows, advertisements and beauty competitions. Completing her Master’s Degree in Engineering, she moved to London to study Fashion at the infamous Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. During her BA Course, she was invited to collaborate with her favourite London based designers: Hussein Chalayan and Alexander McQueen, where she gained invaluable experience which were put to use in improving her own design skills, working both in London and Paris design studios.
Nataliya started showcasing her own collections at the end of 2008 in London in the last year of her studies at the Central Saint Martins. The first show of her own Nataliya had when she was invited by Fashion TV London to participate in their competition. Just a few days before the event she made a collection of seven home-made pieces and won the competition. The next catwalk show and presentation of the brand was in February 2009 during London Fashion Week, when Nataliya presented her ‘Sublimation’ Autumn/Winter 2009 Collection a few months later. The Event took place at Ill Bottaccio, Belgravia. Victorian Palace was hosting London’s fashion people, including celebrity stylists and buyers from London’s boutiques including Harrods and Nataliya was named as one of the most promising young designers.
Inspired by Buddhist meditational art, her spiritual experience during the trip to Himalayas and Mandala images and practices in particular, ‘Sublimation’ awoke the interest of the new emerging designer around the world, bringing customers and show invitations spanning Milan to Dubai and London to Cannes. In October 2009 Nataliya collaborated with the Maybach Foundation and donated one of her designs to their Charity Auction in Los Angeles, where it was bought to be worn at next year’s Oscars Ceremony.
While Nataliya is quite conceptual with her design ideas, at the same time she always aspire to emphasize female beauty and tenderness. Her style can be described as very sensual and feminine Haute Couture clothes that epitomize chic elegance.
Design techniques developed by Nataliya are based on a strict order in pleating, unconventionally stitching together shaped patterns and then folding them in a specific way. Her luxuriously feminine, fabric of choice ‘French Silk-Chiffon’ naturally emphasizes the beauty of female shapes, creating a sophisticated look that opens new ways of looking at luxury clothes. The designs are very wearable and comfortable, created in response to body movement and making a woman feel as if from a fairytale, albeit a very modern almost cosmic fairytale.
Nataliya’s new Collection has been inspired by her travels and thinking about the objects which are never still, like the air, and capturing the feeling of unlimited freedom of flying. Named after her experience in paragliding, feeling of freedom achieved by a jump from Precipice, associating this name with risk and excitement of a person, separated by a moment from a pure happiness.
Techniques and ideas applied in the Collection: play with revealing and hiding certain parts of a body with layered structures to create multi-dimensional shapes and joining them with plain semi-transparent parts, creating unique and unpredictable effects during the body movement, yet remaining elegant. The volumes are created by a slight displacement of conventional places and executed in semi-transparent French Chiffon-Changeant.
A combination of bright blues, vivid olives and violet colours mixed with darker shades of olives and shark (very deep blue/green colour), lightened up by integrating white, off-white and biscuit colours. Fabric is mainly Chiffon-Changeant, which is woven of two different colour threads also some heavier types of silks are used for the ‘white’ part of the Collection.
The tone of this Collection could be described as dynamic and fluid, multi-meaningful and sophisticated, at the same time comfortable while worn, employing unconventional principles of cut, such as removing side seams on the garments and slightly shifting the places for volumes, this does not appear to be created deliberately, but rather adds a natural feel to a woman’s appearance.
The Collection consists of short and long dresses, skirts, draped blouses and suits. Predominantly side seams are moved to the centre front and back, exposing a beauty of falling down naturally created drapes. This adds to a garment’s three dimensional feeling, observing it from any side gives the refined look. Starting with short and light pieces, continuing with classy white designs, culminating with a number of long, generously cut evening gowns.
Join us for this extraordinary evening this coming Saturday 3rd March/strong>
No5 Cavendish,
Doors open at 4:30pm and the show starts at 5:30pm. An after-party will then follow and certainly ensure that this will be an evening that you simply cannot pass up on.
RSVP required by March 1st, contact:
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